Friday, January 29, 2010

My New Baton

Hurray, my new baton just came in!  It is balanced and it is made of a pretty green rock!

Naturally, I had to take some action shots with it. You know,take it for a test drive

As per usual, Mozart just wasnt having it! I showed him!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Were You Thinking!?!?!

People throw out the coolest things! I was driving up to my apartment not too long ago and I saw a red leather suitcase sitting near a dumpster. This is not the sort of thing you see everyday and, while I love my current luggage, I need bagage with SOUL!

I opened it and let it air out on my balcony (just in case). There doesnt appear to be any sort of damage to it, there is no smell, and all the parts work.  Right now I am keeping a good chunk of my music in it ... kind of makes me wish I was going to be doing some traveling soon.

Monday, January 25, 2010

My Burnt Guitar

At the lovely "Manwich Meal with a Dessert Fork" meal I went to yesterday for work as a thank you to everybody who donated in our last fundraiser I got into a conversation about fun, little, creative projects that I have done.  One that came up was the guitar that I caught on fire with spray paint, so I decided to put it up here even thought it isn't a recent project because IT IS SO FREAKIN' COOL!!!!

This is us making it.

This is the guitar hanging on the wall of my apartment. I couldn't find anything cheap that was specifically made to mount a guitar, so I modified some coat racks and a telephone (curious?)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Creative Urge

Yesterday, I was a little restless. Then, something awesome happpened! My hall light burned out and I had to change it, giving me a light bulb to play with.  I hollowed it out and am currently trying to come up with ideas of what to use it for.  This one isn't big enough to put a beta fish in, as I have done before.

Also, my Mozart action figure decided that he didnt appreciate my antics.

Don't mess with Mozart unless you want to get ch'ch'ch'chopped chopped and Screwed

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I've finally done it!

I found the perfect layout for my small room ... I just need to find the right lamps because there isnt any built in lighting *grumble*